

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Jalpeders, This time we will review articles about sports venues that are never empty of visitors, especially on weekends. Okay, just look at what places you should visit ...
Do an Exercise in weekend is a habbit in Malang ( pict : google )

1. Jalan Ijen
This road is also known as ijen straat in Dutch or well known with Idjen Boulevard, which is the historic axis of the city of Malang in the Dutch East Indies government. Lots of Dutch heritage such as buildings in the form of villas. On this Ijen Street, on Sunday the Car Free Day / CFD is used. When CFDs are carried out, Ijen's road until the Tenes road will be closed.
Ijen Street view in Weekend  ( pict : google )

2. Malang City Square
Malang City Square has many facilities for public sports and is supported by a pleasant appearance to see.
The Iconic Place of Alun-Alun Malang ( pict : google )

3. Rampal Field
Rampal Field adjacent to TNI housing is a magnet for the people of Malang and its surroundings, there are many sports facilities such as Basketball Fields, Rock Climbing, Badminton Fields, Volley Ball Field, Running Tracks and Multipurpose Fields.
Volley Ball activity in Rampal Field ( pict : google)

4. Merbabu Park
Located on Jalan Merababu, this park has become a family destination for vacationing and sports, many rides that you and your family need to try, especially children.
Sport Facilities in Merbabu Park (pict : google)

5. Sawojajar Velodrome
This place also does not want to be left behind to summarize in this article, there is an arena for acrobatic Skate Board and outside there is a page for running sports, and there are book shops that sell cheap books.
A Rider perform his action inside Sawojajar Velodrome  (pict : google)

How is Jalpeders? do you not want to try exercising in Malang? I wait for your visit in this Flower City. We really expect your criticisms and suggestions, See you later....

keywords : sport center malang, sport in malang, alun alun malang, ijen boulevard, wonderful Indonesia.

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